Sustainability Banner11
Reducing our studio impact
In our studio, we strive to operate in a carbon neutral manner by measuring and offsetting our emissions whenever possible. We try to practice what we preach.
Reduce studio energy consumption
Aim: Reduce energy consumption associated with our studio operations. Energy is one of the largest controllable factors in office building which means there are many opportunities to reduce energy demand. By implementing improvement strategies such asW night-time shutdown, energy efficient IT equipment etc. we will be able to reduce the energy load our operations place on the local grid.
Reduce waste
Aim: Reduce waste to landfill associated with our practice operations. This will include waste separation systems within the office. Office waste is more expensive than just the cost of disposal, it involves loss of resources such as energy, water and labour. As a result, the real cost of waste can be several times higher than the cost of disposal. Reducing waste in our office will involve both change in behavious ar well as equipment. Limiting use of paper, waste separation and reporting on waste generated are all examples of actions to be taken to reach this goal.
Reduce carbon emissions
Aim: Reduce and/or offset carbon emissions associated with business operations and travel. The carbon footprint of workplaces—big or small—are contributors to greenhouse gasses. Limiting actions that have a related carbon footprint and encouraging our employees and collaborators to do the same will help reduce our collective impact. Where possible, we will engage in carbon offsetting en route to Net Zero.